The REA offers a FREE service to help retirees 50+ transition back into the workforce by finding them suitable employment. We also help Employers find suitable talent to support their short-term, part, or full-time needs and we measure our progress in successful pairings.

Retirees play a vital role in their community. With our help, they can put their experience to use or are given the opportunity to try something new, while helping employers address current gaps in the labor market. Change can be exciting, but it can also be challenging. We help Retirees put their best foot forward as they start a new and exciting chapter!


Get started now by completing the form below! 

Completed forms can be sent to 

Contact one of our Pairing Agents :

      • Lawrence Forbes : or 506-866-3167

      • Natalie Gray : or 506-857-2059
      • Ted Gaudet : or 506-857-2059


    If you’re a retiree wanting to give back to your community, put your experience to use or maybe try something new on a schedule that fits your needs. Pairing Officers will work with you to determine the best pairing with businesses in your area.

    Additional support will be made available to you, should it be required. 


    In an effort to support you with your short-term labour needs, this new province- wide initiative was developed as a result of a pilot in the Northwest region. Agency representatives will gather information from you to determine the right talent from retirees that are interested in short-term employment that match the skilled labour force that you need.