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Greater Moncton Business Groups Call for Action on Homelessness and Downtown Crime
Moncton (NB), December 2nd, 2022 – Four organizations representing Greater Moncton’s business community have called on the City of Moncton and

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Moncton went Back to the Ballroom to celebrate the Greater Moncton business community
during 37th annual Business Excellence Awards
Moncton (NB) – The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Moncton honoured eleven deserving Greater Moncton businesses during the 37th annual Business Excellence

The Southeast Labour Market Partnership
to hold major workforce event in November
Moncton (NB), November 14th, 2022 – A major one-day workforce conference designed to help Southeast New Brunswick employers will be presented

The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Monctoncaps off a second ‘resilient’ year at AGM
The Chamber of Commerce for Greater Moncton (CCGM) elected a new board of directors at its 131st Annual General Meeting held Tuesday, May 9. After two years of holding the meeting virtually via the Zoom platform, the event was finally back in person at the Crown Plaza, Moncton.

Nominations are now open for the 2022 Business Excellence Awards!
The goal of the annual CCGM Business Excellence Awards is to encourage entrepreneurship in the region and enhance the image of the finalists and winners by celebrating the excellence of our entrepreneurs in 12 different categories.

Settlement staff hired to help witharrival of Ukrainian families fleeing war
Three staff have been hired to address the needs of Ukrainian families fleeing war who are arriving in growing numbers in Southeast New Brunswick.